Clearance Plane

This icon lets you determine whether or not PC-DMIS inserts an automatic MOVE/CLEARPLANE command before measuring the first automatic hit of any Auto features created after selecting the toggle icon.

In order to enable the Clearance Plane function in the Auto Feature dialog box, a clearance plane command needs to be in the measurement routine (press the F10 key on your keyboard and then click the Clearance Plane tab): CLEARP/ZPLUS,0,ZPLUS,0,OFF or CLEARP/ZPLUS,0,ZPLUS,0,ON)

The OFF/ON at the end of this command acts as the default for the Clearance Plane function, each time you open a new Auto Feature dialog box to create a new feature. This means that each time a new Auto Feature dialog box is opened, the default is the OFF/ON you have on the last CLEARP/ZPLUS,0,ZPLUS command. If you want to create an Auto feature WITHOUT the Auto Feature dialog box open (using the QuickFeature mode for example, with hovering – Shift + hover), the value of the next QuickFeature is the last value you set it to in the dialog box. This is why with QuickFeatures you don’t have control over this, while you can control it if you open the Auto Feature dialog box.

Using clearance planes reduces programming time because the need to define intermediate moves is reduced. It can also help protect your hardware from an inadvertent collision with the part. For additional information on Clearance Planes, see "Parameter Settings: Clear Plane tab" in the "Setting your Preferences" chapter.

When measuring studs, be sure to set the spacer value to a distance that allows the probe to move around the stud.

Move Clearance Plane Active

The default for the Clearance Plane function for all Auto features is defined by the Clearance Plane Active option (if defined) and is recalled whenever the Auto Feature dialog box opens to create new features.