Extended Sheet Metal Vector Diagrams

This topic contains various diagrams illustrating the vectors that you can use when you choose the show extended sheet metal feature options:

Normal Vector: The normal vector is the vector perpendicular to the surface at a point feature’s location. See the diagram below:


Diagram of a Normal Vector

 = Normal Vector

= Surface

= Point Location


Update Vector: The update vector is the vector used to determine the direction to follow when updating a point to a new surface. This update vector is derived from the reference line used in the initial creation of the feature. See the diagram below:

Diagram of an Update Vector

 = Updated or new surface

= Original or old surface

= Original point location

= Updated point location

= Reference line used to generate point location. Also known the update vector.


Report Vector: The report vector lets you control the direction of the deviation by allowing you to define a vector onto which the deviation along the surface vector is then projected. The report vector may differ from the surface normal, such as along a specified axis (shown below as either Yr or Xr). See the diagrams below:

Diagram of a Report Vector

 = Theoretical surface

= Nominal point location

= Actual point location

= Deviation in X axis

= Deviation in Y axis


Diagram depicting a surface vector deviation projected onto the report vector

= Theoretical surface

=Actual surface

=Surface vector

=Report vector

=Surface vector deviation projected to the report vector

 =Probe tip contacting actual surface


Pin Vector: Applied to slots and holes, the pin vector specifies the vector of the pin as it locates the product. See the diagram below:

Diagram of a Pin Vector


A = Pin Vector

Punch Vector: Applied to slots and holes, the punch vector specifies the direction of the punch used to create the feature. This vector is usually close to the surface normal within a few degrees. See the diagram below:


Diagram of a Punch Vector


A = Punch Vector. Close to the surface normal within +/- 5 degrees


B = The Punch