IJK Angle Boxes

For Circle, Cylinder, Sphere, and Cone features, the Angle boxes define the 0° position about the normal vector. The start and end angles are calculated relative to this vector. If the vectors are not perpendicular, the angle vector is adjusted to the normal vector.

For Square Slot, Round Slot, and Ellipse features, the Angle boxes define the feature's secondary vector. This is a user-supplied I, J, K normal vector. The feature centerline and normal vector must be perpendicular to each other.

For a Notch feature, the Angle boxes define the notch's secondary vector orientation. This is a user-supplied I, J, K normal vector along the back side of the slot. The notch angle vector and notch normal vector must be perpendicular to each other.

For a Plane feature, the Angle boxes define the plane's secondary vector. This helps control the orientation of the plane's path.

For a laser Auto High Point feature, if you select the Box method from the Mode list in the Measurement properties area of the laser Auto Feature dialog box, the Angle boxes define the vector for the region that PC-DMIS uses to determine the high point.

After a new value is created, PC-DMIS will normalize the vector, making it a length of 1.



Flip Vector