Legacy (I,J,K, X,Y,Z) RMEAS Mode

The Legacy (I,J,K, X,Y,Z) RMEAS mode takes the position and the orientation of the reference feature into account.

To understand this mode, examine an Auto Circle with three sample hits. PC-DMIS first takes three hits on the surface around the circle and then measures the circle based on the plane's location and the surface normal vector's orientation. Therefore, if the plane is at a 45-degree angle, PC-DMIS also measures the Auto Circle at a 45-degree angle.

Similarly, if the relative measure feature is rotated from its original orientation, then the associated feature is also measured with the same rotational offset.

Before you use Legacy RMEAS mode, ensure that the RMEAS_modeDefaultForPlane entry is correctly set. For details, see the "RMEAS_modeDefaultForPlane" topic in the "USER_AutoFeatures" section of the PC-DMIS Settings Editor documentation.

For information on how to use PC-DMIS Settings Editor, see the "Modifying Setting Entries" appendix.

This process makes Legacy mode slightly smarter than Default mode, because when it looks at the reference feature, it only offsets the main feature by valid axes for the reference feature type. For example, it makes more sense to shift in a plane's normal vector instead of in all directions, which Legacy mode now does.

The Edit window command line for this option is:



Setting Up Relative Measure (RMEAS)

Math Process of the Legacy (I,J,K, X,Y,Z) RMEAS Mode