Measure Now and Re-Measure

Measure Now icon

If you select this icon, the software starts the measurement process for this Auto feature as soon as you click the Create button. PC-DMIS measures the part based on the values specified in the Auto Feature dialog box.

Re-Measure icon

This icon is available for these Auto features: Circle, Cylinder, Square Slot, Round Slot, and Notch, both inner and outer.

If you select Re-Measure, PC-DMIS automatically re-measures the feature against the measured values obtained the first time the feature is measured.

For all inner and outer features, if you set Avoidance Move to a value other than NONE, if avoidance moves are provided, they are used as safe moves in the re-measure path .

For all inner features, if avoidance moves are not provided (Avoidance Move is set to NONE), but Re-Measure is set to ON, the safe move is defined to be the center of the feature, with the height equal to the probe diameter.

For all outer features, if avoidance moves are not provided (Avoidance Move is set to NONE), but Re-Measure is set to ON, the safe moves are defined as the measure path, but REVERSED (see examples below). In order to use Re-Measure functionality on auto contact outer features, the following conditions must be met:

The following examples describes how the Re-Measure implementation works if the avoidance moves are not provided.

Example 1

When an Outer Circle, Outer Round Slot, or Outer Polygon is being measured, PC-DMIS stores all the collected movements, including the movements to measure the sample hits (1).

When the Re-Measure function is implemented, all movements are sequentially made in reverse to prevent collisions from occurring (2).

Example 2

When an Outer Square Slot auto contact feature is being measured, PC-DMIS stores the all the collected movements that includes the first and second hits on the first face of the slot, and the last hit on the second face of the slot.

As with example 1, when the Re-Measure function is implemented, all movements are sequentially made in reverse to prevent collisions from occurring.