Understanding the Command Format

All measured features are displayed in the following format in the Command mode of the Edit window. There will be slight variations that are explained more thoroughly in the following sections. The actual Edit report will be displayed using all CAPS.

For example;







feature_name - This displays the name of the feature. This is a user editable field.

FEATURE_TYPE - This denotes the type of feature and is the same as TOG2 but is non-editable and cannot be toggled.

...... - This indicates that what follows is unique to each feature.

TOG1 - This field is present in all features and can be toggled between RECT / POLR. If this feature is RECT, all points are represented in Cartesian system (x, y, z). If the field is POLR, all the points are displayed in polar system (x_radius, y_angle, z_height). Vectors do not change.

TOG2 - This field is present in all measured features and can be switched between:


POINT is the default feature type when the measured command line is opened for the first time in a measurement routine. The default feature type then becomes the last measured feature type.

TOG3 - This field represents the number of hits to take, according to the type of feature displayed in TOG2. The HIT line is varied, based on the number of hits you define. For example, 1 hit = 1 HIT/BASIC line, 3 hits = 3 HIT/BASIC lines. The required minimum number is indicated as the default.

TOG4 - This field also takes unique values according to the type of feature represented in TOG2. Linear features allow you to toggle between BOUND/UNBOUND. Circular features allow you to switch between IN/OUT. Angular features allow you to switch between LENGTH/ANGLE.

TOG5 - This field represents the type of hit that is to be taken:


TOG6 - This field allows you to determine whether or not to use the theoretical vector as the approach vector for the hit. This defaults to YES. If set to NO, PC-DMIS calculates the approach vector by subtracting the theoretical hit point (X,Y,Z) from the current probe position.

TX,TY,TZ,TI,TJ,TK - These numbers (TX,TY,TZ) represent the theoretical target vector and the theoretical approach vector (TI,TJ,TK) and you can edit them.

TD - For circular features, this number is the theoretical diameter.

TMD - For a torus feature, this number is the theoretical minor diameter.

X,Y,Z,I,J,K - These numbers are non-editable and represent the measured point and measured approach vector.

D - For circular features, this number is the measured diameter.

MD - For a torus feature, this number is the minor diameter.

TL - This is the theoretical length of features that have a length.

L - This is the measured length of features that have a length.


Basic Measurement Format for a Point

Basic Measurement Format for a Line

Basic Measurement Format for a Plane

Basic Measurement Format for a Circle

Basic Measurement Format for a Sphere

Basic Measurement Format for a Torus

Basic Measurement Format for a Cone

Basic Measurement Format for a Cylinder

Basic Measurement Format for a Round Slot

Basic Measurement Format for a Square Slot