Auto Circle Construction

The list below indicates the type of circle that the software constructs when you select certain input features along with the Auto option. The order of the selected features is not important. If you select an incorrect input feature or features, PC-DMIS display an error message and does not automatically construct the indicated feature type.

To allow PC-DMIS to automatically determine the best method of construction:

  1. Access the Construct Circle dialog box (Insert | Feature | Constructed | Circle).

  2. From the Method list, select the Auto option.

  3. Select the desired feature or features based on the table below.

  4. Click the Create button.

Input Feature List

  Circle Cone Cylinder Ellipse Line Plane Point Set Slot Sphere






Project Circle







Intersect Circle Intersect Circle



Intersect Circle




Intersect Circle


Intersect Circle








Intersect Circle






Project Circle











Project Circle





Plane Project Circle Intersect Circle


Project Circle Project Circle Project Circle Project Circle Project Circle Project Circle Intersect Circle






Project Circle











Project Circle











Project Circle







Intersect Circle Intersect Circle



Intersect Circle





Any 1 Circle Reverse Circle
Any 1 Cone (with Diameter) Cone Circle
Any 1 Feature (Except Circle, Cone and Set) Cast Circle
Any 1 Set Best Fit Circle
One COP or Mesh object Extracted Circle