Best Fit Type (for Plane)

This list becomes available if you select the Best Fit or BF Recomp method for constructed planes. It allows you to specify the type of Best Fit construction used. Available types include:

These types are discussed below:

Least Squares - This calculation type provides a method of fitting in which the average squared radial distance from the data points to the plane is minimized. The square root of this quantity is the Root Mean Square (RMS) distance. Since the RMS distance is based on an average, some points may be further than the RMS distance from the computed plane.

Minimum Separation - This calculation type generates a plane from the input features containing the data points, with the difference of their radii as small as possible. The Min/Max math used by the MIN_SEP calculation minimizes the maximum error, or deviation, from the input data to the plane. The Min/Max error is one-half of the minimal separation. No input data points (or input features) lie farther than the Min/Max error from the Min/Max plane. This calculation determines whether or not all the input data (or input features) are within the given tolerances.