Constructing a Best Fit or Best Fit Recompensate Circle

You can construct a "best fit" circle from three or more features. The constructed circle's vector is normal to the current workplane. The best fit construction method takes the actual measured points, rather than the ball's center (as is the case of best fit recompensate).

To construct a Best Fit Circle or a Best Fit Recompensate Circle:

  1. Access the Construct Circle dialog box (Insert | Feature | Constructed | Circle).

  2. From the Method list, select either the Best Fit or BF Recomp option.

  3. Select the type of Best Fit construction from the Best Fit Type list. For information on the different types, see "Best Fit Type (for Circle)".

  4. Select at least three features.

  5. For Best Fit (BF) or Best Fit Recompensate (BFRE) constructions, while you can use any feature type for your input features, BF and BFRE fit types are typically used with point features or point sets (a scan of points, a feature set with points, or an expression that resolves to an array of points).

  6. Click the Create button.

The Edit window command line for this option would read:
feat_1, feat_2, …

A - Best fit circle constructed from three or more features (in this example from three or more circle features)

Outlier removal and Filtering are described in these topics:


Best Fit Type (for Circle)

Remove Outliers / Standard Deviation Multiple

Apply Gauss Filter / Cutoff Frequency