Constructing a Circle from a Cone

You can construct a circle from a cone at a specified diameter of the cone, or you can construct a circle at a given height along that cone from the current alignment plane. A Cone Circle feature that you construct at a given height is sometimes known as a "gage diameter" or "gage point".

Multiple circles created at different heights from the cone input feature of CON1

Understanding the Height Value

If you construct a circle at a given height, PC-DMIS calculates the circle in this way:

Available reference point (REF_POINT) options:

Available reference vector (REF_VECTOR) options:

For example, if you use the origin as a reference point and ZPLUS as your reference vector, PC-DMIS creates a plane from the origin point and the ZPLUS vector. Then it creates a parallel plane at the given height value, and where it intersects with the cone, it creates the circle feature. Your Edit window's code might look something like this:





To construct a Cone Circle:

  1. Access the Construct Circle dialog box (Insert | Feature | Constructed | Circle).

  2. From the Method list, select the Cone option.

  3. Select one feature. The type must be a cone.

  4. Select either DIAMETER or HEIGHT from the Type list.

  5. Type a value for the diameter or height into the Value box.

  6. If you selected Height:

  1. Click the Create button.

The Edit window command line for this option would read:

