Constructing a Pierce Point

You can construct a point where one feature pierces the surface of another feature:

First Valid Feature

Second Valid Feature


Plane, Sphere, Cylinder, Circle, Cone, or Ellipse


Plane, Sphere, Cylinder, Circle, Cone, or Ellipse


Plane, Sphere, Cylinder, Circle, Cone, Ellipse, Line, or Slot


Plane, Sphere, Cylinder, Circle, Cone, Ellipse, Line, or Slot


Plane, Sphere, Cylinder, Circle, Cone, Ellipse, Line, or Slot


Plane, Sphere, Cylinder, Circle, Cone, Ellipse, Line, or Slot


Line, Slot, Cone, or Cylinder


Line, Slot, Cone, or Cylinder

Normally, the first feature selected would be the surface to pierce, with these exceptions:

To construct a pierce point:

  1. Access the Construct Point dialog box (Insert | Feature | Constructed | Point).

  2. Select the Pierce option from the list of options.

  3. Select a first valid feature.

  4. Select a second valid feature.

  5. Click the Create button.

The Edit window command line for this option would read:


A - Point constructed at the intersection of a line and sphere
B - Sphere feature
C - Line (please note the direction)

Constructing a pierce point from a Line and a Sphere

Additional notes: