Determining the Length Between Two Points on a Scan

To determine the length between two points on a scan, do the following:

  1. Open the Construct Curve dialog box (Insert | Feature | Constructed | Curve).

  2. Select a previously created scan for your input.

  3. Click the Create button. PC-DMIS inserts a constructed curve into the Edit window.

  4. On the Edit window (View | Edit Window), in Command mode, locate the last line of the constructed curve code block:

  5. Press Tab key on your keyboard until PC-DMIS highlights the ID for the scan you selected to use as the input.

  6. Change the input ID to use specific points from the scan by typing SCN1.HITS[n..m] where SCN1 represents your scan ID and n and m represent a range between two points (or hits) on the scan. For example, if you wanted to get the length between hits 50 and 80 of the scan with an ID of SCN12, you would type, SCN12.HITS[50..80].

  7. Create a Location dimension and use the constructed curve as the input. Use the dimension to report the L axis (L for Length). The location dimensions would then display the length of the spline between the two hits you specified.

If you omit steps 4, 5, and 6, PC-DMIS reports the entire length of the scan (or curve).