Edit Control Point

If you select a preexisting curve, the Construct Curve dialog box (Insert | Feature | Constructed | Curve) also contains a list of control points in Control Point list. Select one of the control points. PC-DMIS places the corresponding values in the X, Y, and Z boxes so that you can edit them.

To edit these control points:

  1. Ensure that a curve feature already exists.

  2. Open the Edit window (View | Edit Window).

  3. Select the curve in the Edit window.

  4. Press F9 to activate the Construct Curve dialog box.

  5. Select the control point to be changed in Control Point list. For details, see the "Control Point List" topic in this documentation.

  6. Edit the individual X, Y, and Z components of the point.

  7. Click the OK button.

The curve is then updated to reflect the changes.

If you edit the control points on a dependent curve, it automatically becomes an independent curve because it is no longer based on the input set.