Available and Used Lists

The Available and Used lists in the LeapFrog / Relocation dialog box (Insert | Alignment | Leapfrog) display, respectively, datum features that are available for use or datum features that you have chosen to use in the Leapfrog operation.

Available List

When you select a measurement routine file to use in the Datum Program File area, the available features from that file appear in the sortable Available list. You can then assign features to the current Leapfrog operation by selecting them and then clicking the >>> button. More information on the Feature list section can be found in the

Used List

Assigned features that appear in the Used list will be measured when you click the Measure Marked or Measure All buttons in the order that they appear in the Used list. You can remove them from the Used list by clicking the <<< button. You can change a feature's order of execution by selecting a feature clicking the up or down arrow buttons.