Constraints for Best Fit Alignments

There are also constraints that can be applied to the Best Fit alignments.

Constraints for 2D and 3D Best Fit Alignments

  1. Rotate and Translate (default) - This allows the alignment full flexibility while correlating the machine data to the theoretical values.

  2. Rotate Only - This option restricts the alignment to rotation only, without applying any translations of the rotation center. If no rotation center is defined, the part coordinate system origin (0,0,0) is used as the rotation center.

  3. Translate Only - This option restricts the alignment to translation only, without applying any rotations.

Constraints for User-Defined Best Fit Alignments

The user-defined Best Fit alignment allows any degree-of-freedom combination other than cases with two rotations (zero, one, and three rotations are allowed). It does not support defining a rotation center. For relevant degree-of-freedom combinations, it uses the part coordinate system origin (0,0,0) as the rotation center.