Meas All Always

If you select the Meas All Always check box in the Iterative Alignment dialog box (Insert | Alignment | New | Iterative button), PC-DMIS remeasures (or re-executes) a portion of the current measurement routine at least once in DCC mode. The portion that is re-executed depends on the Start Label (for information, see "Start Label"):

With a Start Label

If you provide a start label, PC-DMIS re-executes in DCC mode from that defined label to the ALIGNMENT/START command that contains the currently executing iterative alignment command.

Without a Start Label

If you don't provide a start label, the following occurs:

Move Points and Meas All Always During First Execution

A move point contains an XYZ value to which the probe moves during execution. If you mark Meas All Always but PC-DMIS is in manual mode then during the measurement routine execution of the iterative alignment, PC-DMIS redefines all the move point locations to be relative to the iterative alignment's coordinate system in which they are executed. This only happens once, on the very first execution of the iterative alignment. If you later add additional move points and then re-execute the iterative alignment, the new move points are also redefined to be relative to the iterative alignment, similar to the other move points.