Step 2: Level, Rotate, and Translate to the Features

This step uses the Alignment Utilities dialog box (Insert | Alignment | New) to level, rotate, and translate your part to the features measured in the previous step.

At any time, click here to see the documentation about the Alignment Utilities dialog box.

  1. Access the Alignment Utilities dialog box (Insert | Alignment | New). Notice that the Feature list shows all the possible features that can be used to level, rotate, or translate the part.

  2. From the Feature list, click on the plane feature you created in the previous step. Once PC-DMIS selects the feature, select the axis to which PC-DMIS should level the part, and then click the Level button. PC-DMIS will display a line of text inside the Alignment Utilities dialog box informing you of the feature and axis to be used in the leveling process.

  3. From the Feature list, click on the line feature you created in the previous step. Once PC-DMIS selects the feature, select what axis to rotate to and what axis to rotate about, and then click the Rotate button. Again, PC-DMIS displays the feature and axis to be used for the rotation process.

  4. From the Feature list, click on the point feature you created in the previous step. Once PC-DMIS selects the feature, select the appropriate axis check box to determine which axis (or axes) you want to move to this origin feature, and click the Origin button.

Alternately, you can select all three of the features from the Feature list and click the Auto Align button to have PC-DMIS automatically level to the first feature selected, rotate to the second feature selected, and translate the axes to the third feature selected.

Now you're ready to complete the alignment creation process.

Go to the next step.