Updating Dependent Commands When the Alignment Changes

An alignment consists of two transforms:

  1. Machine origin to Part origin (termed "Machine-to-Part")

  2. CAD origin to Part origin (termed "CAD-to-Part")

If you modify either of the transforms, PC-DMIS displays a Yes/No message similar to the following, letting you choose how the commands dependent on the alignment are updated:


External alignment file FIXTURE1 has changed! Update dependent command (Moves, Feature THEO, ACTL, and TARG values)?

Choose 'Yes' to convert the dependent commands to the new alignment coordinate system.

Choose 'No' to leave the dependent commands unchanged.

Yes/No message asking if PC-DMIS should update dependent commands

You can choose to convert the dependent commands to the new alignment coordinate system or to leave the dependent commands unchanged.

The text in the message indicates what types of commands and command values the software updates for each alignment change.

Different commands and command values may change depending on the transform change. This table lists the commands and command values that are updated after a transform change:

Commands and command values that may update after a changed transform:

Transform Change




  • Move commands

  • Feature command ACTL

  • Feature command THEO

  • Feature command TARG

  • Move commands

  • Feature command THEO

  • Feature command ACTL

  • Feature command TARG

In the following two general scenarios, you need to decide how to update the commands in the measurement routine in response to an alignment change:

  1. When you load a measurement routine that recalls an external alignment file. See "Updating Commands When Loading a Measurement Routine " below.

  2. When you add a new alignment or modify or delete an existing alignment while in Learn mode. See "Updating Commands While in Learn Mode" below.

Updating Commands When Loading a Measurement Routine

A measurement routine that includes RECALL/ALIGNMENT, EXTERNAL commands attempts to re-load the referenced external alignment files each time the measurement routine opens.

The correct answer to the question "Update dependent commands?" depends on why the external alignment file has changed. Consider these reasons:

Part Moved on CMM

This usually requires the SAVE/ALIGNMENT command be configured to only include the Machine-to-Part transform, not both transforms.

Choose Yes at the Yes/No message.

This requires the SAVE/ALIGNMENT command to be configured to include both transforms.

Choose Yes at the Yes/No message so that the measured data does not shift away from the CAD geometry. This is not a common scenario.

When loading a measurement routine that recalls an external alignment, if the external alignment file transforms have been modified since the measurement routine was last saved, by default, PC-DMIS does not display the dialog box, asking to update the dependent commands. Instead, it automatically answers No to that question. You can control this behavior with the UpdateExtAlignmentDepCommandsDuringFileOpen entry. For information on how to modify values for entries, see "Modifying Setting Entries".

Updating Commands While in Learn Mode

When you edit a measurement routine in Learn mode, if changes are made that modify or delete an existing alignment command or create a new one, PC-DMIS asks if you want to update the commands dependent on that alignment.

The correct answer to the question "Update dependent commands?" depends on why the alignment definition has changed. Consider these reasons:

Alignment moved on part

Choose Yes at the Yes/No message so that the measured data does not shift away from the CAD geometry. This is a common scenario.

Choose No at the Yes/No message so that the values of the dependent commands are not changed. This is a less-common scenario. It allows the position and orientation of the part to change while retaining the previous dimensional information, similar to equating an alignment.