2D Distance

The maximum and minimum distance is the measured distance between two lines over the length of the lines.

The 2 Dimensional option in the Distance dialog box (Insert | Dimension | Distance) calculates the two-dimensional distance between features. All features used to calculate the 2D distance are first projected into the current workplane before the distance is computed, except as noted below when you attempt to calculate the distance perpendicular to a third feature defined as a plane.

PC-DMIS computes the maximum, minimum, and average distances between the two features. If the distance is between two lines or planes, the maximum, minimum and average are computed using the measurement point data. (Verify that the distance type is set to 2 Dimensional.)

2D distances that are calculated using three features are either parallel or perpendicular to a datum feature. The datum feature can be any previously measured or constructed feature.

If the third feature is a plane and the distance is being calculated perpendicular to the datum feature then the current workplane is ignored.

To calculate the distance using three features:

  1. Select the two features that will be used to calculate the distance.

  2. Select the third (datum) feature. (Using a line for the third feature will provide the best results.)

  3. Verify that the correct orientation is marked.

  4. Select the To Feature check box.

  5. Click the Create button.

PC-DMIS will calculate the distance between the first two features parallel or perpendicular to the third (datum) feature or axis.

When the Close button is clicked, PC-DMIS closes the Distance dialog box without creating another dimension.