Axes Drop Down list

The Axes drop-down list provides you with a list of available axes, to which you can apply Plus and / or Minus tolerances. The list contains the following:

All - All the axes and options displayed in the drop down list

X - X axis value

Y - Y axis value

Z - Z axis value

D - Diameter

R - Radius (half of Diameter)

A - Angle (for cones)

L - Length (used for cylinder, slots, cones, and ellipses)

H - Height

PR - Polar Radius

PA - Polar Angle

T - Error along the approach vector (for points on curved surfaces)

RT - Deviation along the report vector

S - Deviation along the surface vector

RS - Deviation along the surface report

PD - Diameter of a circle (perpendicular to the pin vector)

FORM - The integrated form dimension for the feature.