Locating Points in a Scan

When you work with scans, you may find it helpful to be able to locate individual points of a scan in the Edit window (View | Edit Window).

Follow this procedure:

If needed, set the DrawScansAsPoints entry (found in the Option section) to a value of 1 to better identify individual points.

  1. Create a scan.

  2. Enter Summary Mode in the Edit window.

  3. From the Graphic Modes toolbar (View | Toolbars | Graphic Modes), select the Text Box Mode icon.

  4. Right-click on a scan point in the Graphic Display window. A shortcut menu appears.

  5. Select the Move Cursor To menu item.

PC-DMIS moves the cursor to the appropriate point in the Edit window. If you decide to do this while in Command mode, it also goes to the appropriate point as long as the SHOW HITS parameter is set to YES.

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