Executing a Measurement Routine Using ClearanceCube

Ensure that you place the probe tip outside ClearanceCube before you start execution of a measurement routine.

Starting a measurement routine with the probe inside of the ClearanceCube volume, or initiating DCC motion inside the ClearanceCube volume, are unsafe practices because the CMM attempts to move to the closest ClearanceCube face.

To avoid potential collisions, be sure to first manually jog the position of the probe outside of the ClearanceCube volume.

If the ClearanceCube uses Tip Vector for Start/End Face check box on the General tab in the Setup Options dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Setup) is selected, then the CMM attempts to move along the tip vector when inside of the ClearanceCube volume. To avoid potential collisions, be sure to first manually jog the position of the probe outside of the ClearanceCube volume before entering DCC motion. Please account for this behavior in your measurement routines.

If PC-DMIS detects that your probe tip is inside the ClearanceCube when you start your measurement routine, it displays the message:


Probe is currently located inside ClearanceCube. Move probe outside ClearanceCube and press OK to continue.