Record - Recording Specific Data (STATS/RECORD)

(This item pertains to the Statistics Options dialog box, accessible though Insert | Statistics Command | Statistics.)

The original DataPage+ output sends a lot of information to the database. This may bog down execution of some measurement routines. Some information may not even be desired.

The Record option in the Stats options area provides greater flexibility and speed for data output. It must follow a STATS/ON command to function. It does the following:

How Record and the Offline Check Box Work

After the Offline check box is marked, the Offline Options area becomes available for edit to choose the specific items to record to the XML output.

Even if you don't have the Record option specifically selected, if Offline is marked and you click OK, the Edit window STATS/ON command is modified with a RECORD command to include the selected options.

For example, if you marked Offline and chose Trace and Dimension, your command would look something like this:


This means during execution PC-DMIS would only send the Dimension and Trace information to the XML file until another RECORD command was encountered that told it to send something different or until it reached a STATS/OFF command.

Now, suppose later in the routine you chose the Record option and you wanted to include Hit information as well. The command would be this:


This command, as long as it's following a STATS/ON command, would then limit the data sent to the XML file include trace, dimension, and hit information.