Sending Statistics to an XML File using XMLSTATS/ON

You can also send your statistical data to an XML file by using the XMLSTATS/ON command. This gives you access to the statistical data in a simple text format that you can then manually parse for use with third party tools. For information on supported methods and versions, see "Table of Supported Methods".

XMLSTATS/ON replaces the previous XML automation export utility named DataPageStats.exe that ships with DataPage+. You can then use the PcdmisXMLStatsToDatabase.exe utility in DataPage+ to monitor a directory and pull the data from the .xml files into the database. For information on how to do this, see DataPage+ documentation. For information on how this differs from DataPageStats.exe, see "How XML STAT ON Differs from DataPageStats.Exe" below.


To insert the XMLSTATS/ON command, type "XMLSTATS" and then press the Tab key on your keyboard in the Edit window's Command mode; or select the Insert | Statistics Command | XML Statistics menu item. This command has the following syntax:


<TOG1> - This field toggles between either ON or OFF, letting you choose whether or not to export statistical data for measurement commands that follow this command.

<Directory> - This field takes a string (without quotes) as the directory pathway in which the file will be created. The default pathway is the directory where you store your measurement routines.

XMLSTATS/ON only writes the XML during execution. It writes the file to the specified directory and automatically generates the .xml file's name using this format:

<Measurement Routine>_<Day>-<Month>-<dd>-<YYYY>_<hh>_<mm>_<ss>.XML

<Measurement Routine> - The measurement routine name without the PRG extension.

<Day> - The name of day the measurement routine was executed in local time.

<Month> - The name of the month the measurement routine was executed in local time.

<dd> - The day of the month in two digit number format in local time.

<YYYY> - The year the measurement routine was executed displayed in four digit format in local time.

<hh> - The hour the measurement routine was executed (in 24-hour local time).

<mm> - The minute the measurement routine was executed in local time.

<ss> - The second the measurement routine was executed in local time.

Thus, a measurement routine named "Test.prg" executed on August 12, 2010 at exactly 2:40:15 PM local time, would have this file name: Test_Thursday_August-12-2010_14_40_15.XML

The XML file contains data for all commands that follow the XMLSTATS/ON until execution finishes or until execution encounters an XMLSTATS/OFF command. If execution encounters another XMLSTATS/ON command while writing to a file, it will write a closing </ExecutionTransaction> tag in the XML file and then allow the next XMLSTATS/ON command to write another opening <ExecutionTransaction> tag.

For example, suppose you had this pseudo measurement routine:







Following execution, PC-DMIS would generate a single file with two <ExecutionTransaction> tags. The first tag would contain Dimension1:

<ExecutionTransaction DateTime=”Sometimestamp”>

<XMLStats command data>

<Dimension1 Data>


The second file generated would contain Dimension3:

<ExecutionTransaction DateTime=”Sometimestamp”>

<XMLStats command data>

<Dimension3 Data>


How XML STATS/ON Differs from DataPageStats.Exe: