You can create the DIMINFO command from the Edit Dimension Info dialog box (Insert | Report Command | Dimension Info).

When you insert a DIMINFO command in the measurement routine, PC-DMIS displays the dimension data in the Graphic Display window. You can modify the DIMINFO command in the Edit window. The command line for the DIMINFO command reads:


Dim ID - This is the ID of the selected dimension.

ICON - A toggle string that shows a blank when it is OFF, and "ICON" when it is ON. When it is ON, the DIMINFO displays the dimension or feature ID with the appropriate icon.

DIMID - A toggle string that shows a blank when it is OFF, and "DIMID" when it is ON. When it is ON, the DIMINFO displays the dimension ID with the dimensional information.

FEATID - A toggle string that shows a blank when it is OFF, and "FEATID" when it is ON. When it is ON, the DIMINFO displays the ID of the dimension’s first feature with the dimensional information.

VERT - A toggle string that shows a blank when it is OFF, and "VERT" when it is ON. When it is ON, the DIMINFO displays with the vertical lines between the columns.

HORIZ - A toggle string that shows a blank when it is OFF, and "HORIZ" when it is ON. When it is ON, the DIMINFO displays with the horizontal lines between the rows.

HEADINGS - A toggle string that shows a blank when it is OFF and "HEADINGS" when it is ON. When it is ON, PC-DMIS displays the column and row headers in the Dimension Info box.

GRAPH OPTION - The graph option for graphical display of the dimension percentage in the Dimension Info box. Possible toggle values are GRAPH WORST and GRAPH AXIS. When the toggle string shows a blank, PC-DMIS does not show the graph in the box.

DIMENSION OUTPUT - This defines the format of the displayed dimension information based on the order of selection. Available output options are MEAS, NOM, TOL, DEV, MAXMIN, OUTTOL, MEAN, STDDEV, and NUMPTS. You cannot duplicate options.

AXES OUTPUT - This defines the format of the displayed dimension axes based on the order of selection. Available axes depend upon the dimension type and include all location and position axes. If you toggle USEDIM in the first axis position, the DIMINFO displays the axes specified in the dimension. If you toggle WORST in any axis position, PC-DMIS displays the axis that produced the largest out-of-tolerance value. This output is only available for Location and Position dimensions . You cannot duplicate axes.