Save Graphics to Report

(This item pertains to the Analysis window, accessible from the View Window button on the Analysis dialog box. To open the Analysis dialog box, choose Insert | Report Command | Analysis.)

The image will remain on the clipboard until another screen is captured, or the measurement routine is closed.

The Analysis window's Options | Save Graphics To Report menu option captures the view in the Analysis window and stores it in a DISPLAY/METAFILE command. When executed this in turn sends the capture into the inspection report.

PC-DMIS does not have the ability to edit or format the captured image. The graphics will be displayed at the cursor's location.

This DISPLAY/METAFILE command differs from the DISPLAY/METAFILE command generated from the main menu in these ways:

See "Create Analysis View Command" for creating a screen capture that automatically updates itself upon execution.

See "Screen Captures" in the "Using the Edit Window" chapter for additional information on the DISPLAY/METAFILE command.