View Menu

(This item pertains to the Analysis window, accessible from the View Window button on the Analysis dialog box. To open the Analysis dialog box, choose Insert | Report Command | Analysis.)

The Analysis window's View menu allows you to temporarily alter the graphics displayed for the selected dimension. By rotating, scaling, or changing the view, you can easily access the necessary dimensions.

This option is especially useful when viewing the profile error of a set of points.

The View | Change menu option lets you create new views from a CAD file. This function is useful when a 2D IGES file is used that contains several views of a part in one plane and the views need to be associated with their correct orientation in the Graphic Display window. See "Setting Up the Screen View" in the "Editing the CAD Display chapter for more information on manipulating views.

The View | Scale To Fit menu option re-draws the part image to fit entirely within the Graphic Display window. This function is useful whenever the image becomes too large or small.

The View | Rotate menu option displays the Rotate dialog box, allowing you to rotate the part image in three dimensions.

The topic "Rotating the Drawing" in the "Editing the CAD Display" chapter describes rotating in further detail.