ID Wild Cards

Use ID Wild Cards to refer to a set of similarly named features. The two wild card characters are "*" and "?". (See "Selecting Features Using Meta-character matching" in the "Editing the CAD Display" chapter for additional information.)

The asterisk ‘*’ character refers to 0 or more instances of any character. To refer to the set of all feature that start with the letters "CIR", use the expression ID "CIR*". This syntax creates a set of features that include all features with Ids that start with "CIR", such as "CIRCLE1", "CIRCLE2", "CIR3", or "CIR".

If CIR3 has several executions only the most recent measurement is used. To get the different instances of the executions, the following expression could be used: CIR?[1..3]

The question mark ‘?’ character refers to a single instance of any character.

The ID expression "MY???1" would create a set of features that are six characters long, begin with "MY" and end with "1", such as "MYCIR1", "MYCON1", "MYLIN1", or "MYFT21".