Operand Coercion and Mixed Type Expressions

The expression evaluator automatically coerces variables in mixed-type expressions. If the result of an expression is not what is expected because of automatic coercion, use of the coercion operators in some cases yields the desired result. Following are examples of automatic coercions in mixed-type expressions.

"CIR" + 1
Evaluates to "CIR1"

"2" + 2
Evaluates to 4

"The Value of 2+2 is " + 2 + 2
Evaluates to "The Value of 2+2 is 22". This is because PC-DMIS evaluates expressions left to right, and the left part of the expression is a string.

"The Value of 2+2 is " + (2 + 2)
Evaluates to "The Value of 2+2 is 4"

Evaluates to 1 if the distance of the centroid of LINE1 from the origin is greater than 2

Evaluates to 1 if the centroid of LINE1 is further from the origin than the centroid of LINE2

Evaluates to 1 if the centroids of LINE1 and LINE2 are the same (no coercion occurs in this case)

Evaluates to 1 if the centroids are the same distance from the origin

11% 3.1
Evaluates to 2 (% is the modulo operator designed to work with integers. It returns the remainder from discrete division. 11%3 = 2.)

Evaluates to measured X value of third hit of Circle1. The argument 3.2 is automatically coerced to an integer with a value of 3.