Setting Start Points for Multiple Arms

You can assign start points for the current arm by selecting the Set Start Point icon () on the Edit Window toolbar. This is also accomplished by right-clicking in the Edit window in Command mode and selecting it from the shortcut menu.

To set multiple start points, change the current learn arm before you click the Set Start Point toolbar icon.

A special start point arrow will appear in the left margin of the Edit window in a color that corresponds to the active arm color on the Active Arms toolbar (View | Toolbars | Active Arms).

The screen capture to the left shows that Arm1, in red, will begin execution at CIR3 while Arm2, in green, will begin execution at CIR2.

If you cancel execution, PC-DMIS automatically moves the start points for each arm to the command where the execution was cancelled for each arm.

Start points tell PC-DMIS to begin the routine's execution at that point when you select the File | Partial Execution | Execute From Start Points menu option. For information on using start points, see the "Setting Start Points" topic in the "Editing a Measurement Routine" chapter.

Be aware that if the current tip for that location in the routine does not match the current orientation of the probe head, PC-DMIS does not go back to execute the tip command above it in order to change the tip orientation.