This computer (primary) drives all arms

The This computer (primary) drives all arms option in the Multiple Arm Setup dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Multiple Arm Setup) enables the computer to be the main computer that drives all the arms. You can choose to connect the computer to the other arms using either a direct connection or a remote connection.

If you choose the Remote connection option, you need to fill out the available fields to establish the connection:

  1. Select the arm from the Connection settings for arm list.

  2. Type the IP address in the TCP/IP Address box.

  3. Type the IP address's port number in the TCP/IP Port box.

  4. Type the data port number in the Data Port box.

  5. Specify the TCP/IP connection delay in the Delay for TCPIP connection in milliseconds box. This value is the number of milliseconds that PC-DMIS delays before attempting a TCP/IP connection to the specified arm from the current computer.


Step 5: Setup the Multiple Arm Connection