Setting Probe Depth on a Cone

PC-DMIS offers two procedures that allow you to set the probe depth on a cone. For additional information on the following procedures, see "Measuring Features Offline".

Three-Dimensional Procedure

To set the precise depth on a conical surface, PC-DMIS requires that two CAD circles (or arcs) on the cone be displayed. It is suggested that you use two views of the surface for this procedure, but it is not required. (Isometric views are also a viable way to set the probe depth on a cone.)

  1. Set the precise depth for one end of the cone using one of the circles. PC-DMIS displays this message: "Precise Depth Set on."

  2. Set the precise depth for the other end of the cone using the second circle. PC-DMIS displays this message: "Precise Depth set on Cone."

Once the precise depth is set, all the points that are generated snap on to the conical surface. Single hits can be taken on cones by holding down the left mouse button. Click the left mouse button to prompt PC-DMIS to take equally-spaced hits around the cone.

Two-Dimensional Procedure

To set the precise depth on a conical surface in two-dimensional drawings, PC-DMIS requires that you define the length between the two circles (as described above). Because these circles are at the same depth, it is necessary to also define the precise depth of a line. This can be either a straight line or a line on the edge of the cone. After you set the precise depth on the circles, hold down the right mouse button next to the line that is to be used for the length.

Once you have set the precise depth, all the points that are generated snap onto the conical surface. To take single hits on cones, hold down the left mouse button. Click the left mouse button to prompt PC-DMIS to take equally-spaced hits around the cone.