Calculate Error Map for CJoint

(This item pertains to the Measure Probe dialog box. On the Probe Utilities dialog box, accessible through Insert | Hardware Definition | Probe, click on the Measure button.)

Normally, wrist devices are calibrated at relatively small angle increments (such as 20 degrees). When you calibrate a continuous third axis of a wrist, with the Calibrate CJoint option selected, PC-DMIS automatically creates a wrist error compensation file named ccomp(s).dat that it uses, together with abcomp(s).dat, to correct for angular errors in the three axes wrist.

After calculating the error map, the results are stored on your computer’s hard drive so that any time you use the wrist, it will take advantage of the improved angular accuracy.

Recalculating the Error Map

Generally, you should only need to calculate the error map periodically (once a week or less). However, you should perform a wrist calibration each time the mounting of the wrist changes and at other times recommended by hardware and vendor information. This varies based on device construction and manufacturer recommendations.