Wrist Calibration

(This item pertains to the Measure Probe dialog box. On the Probe Utilities dialog box, accessible through Insert | Hardware Definition | Probe, click on the Measure button.)

In order to calibrate the wrist, you need to measure at least three A angle positions and at least three B angle positions for a total of nine sphere measurements (each A angle position must be measured at every B position). The Wrist calibration area of the Measure Probe dialog box gives you the ability to specify the angles for calibrating both the A and the B axes. The first three options are for calibrating the A joint.

For information on using the Wrist calibration area to define the AB angle positions, see the "Wrist Calibration area" topic in the "PC-DMIS CMM" documentation.

When using a Renishaw PHS, every time there’s an interruption in electrical power to the PHS controller, you must either perform a wrist calibration; or in the Measure Probe dialog box, from the Type of Operation area, select Home the Unit and click Measure again.

Caution When Using SP600 Probes

For most probe types on an infinite wrist, the wrist device calibrates a zone of angles and approximates the rest. However, if you have an SP600 probe on an infinite wrist, the SP600 probe needs its own deflection matrix. You must, therefore, calibrate each AB tip angle that wasn't part of the original mapping process or suffer inaccurate results in your measurements.


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