Shortcut Menus in the Report Window

If you right-click in the Report window, PC-DMIS displays a shortcut menu with menu items that affect how objects appear in the Report window. Certain menu items only appear if you right-click on specific underlying objects in the Report window. The various menu items you can access from the Report window's shortcut menu are discussed in the table below:

Shortcut menu with mouse pointer on report's graphic display

Shortcut menu with mouse pointer on report's header

Shortcut menu with mouse pointer over a custom report's thumbnail image in the Preview Pane

Edit Object
This option allows you to modify the current object in the Report window from its default state.

You can press Shift and right-click on any label object to display the Report dialog box.

For more information, see "Changing the Report Window's Contents" in the "Reporting Measurement Results" chapter.

Hide Selected Labels
This option hides any selected labels used with the CadReportObject. Select the labels you want to hide and then right-click on one of the selected labels for this menu item to appear. To select multiple labels at a time, drag a box around the desired labels with the mouse or hold down the Ctrl key and click on the desired labels.

Show Hidden Labels
This option shows all hidden labels. Right-click on the CadReportObject for this menu item to appear.

Remove Object
This option removes a selected label object or section cut profile object that you added using the Add Object on Page submenu.

You should not use the Delete key when you try to remove selected objects; doing so deletes selected commands in the Edit window instead.

Remove Object Modifications
This option returns the object you right-click on to its original state and removes any modifications you may have made using the Edit Object menu item or made resizing or repositioning supported objects.

Change Template
This option displays an Open dialog box, so that you can change the template used to display and format the data from the underlying command. Only those templates specified to work with the command appear in the dialog box.

If you have multiple labels selected when you use this option (such as after you use the Select Matching Labels menu item), PC-DMIS applies the label change to all the selected labels.

Select Matching Labels
This option appears when you right-click on a label. This option selects all labels on the current page that use the same label template as the label on which you clicked.

Duplicate Page
This option creates an identical page of the one on which you right-click immediately following the current page. You may find this helpful to organize labels that can't fit on one page across multiple pages.

Duplicated pages show a red cross icon at the top-left area of the page.

Sample Cross Icon Indicating a Duplicated Page

To remove a duplicated page, right-click on it and select Remove Duplicated Page.

Remove Duplicated Page
This option only appears in the menu when you right-click on a previously duplicated page. Select it to remove the duplicated page from the report.

Add Object on Page | Section Cut Profile
This option inserts a section cut profile of your part model into the report.

Sample Section Cut Profile

After you select this option, use your mouse and drag a box in the Report window to insert the section cut profile. For detailed information, see the information in the "SectionCutObject" topic in the "Reporting Measurement Results" chapter.

You can use this method to insert multiple cutaway views into your report.

Change Image
This option only appears in the menu when you right-click on a header label template (such as FILE_HEADER.LBL). When you choose this option, you can use an Open dialog box to choose a new image for the report's header. After you locate the new image and click Open, the report uses that image. This action also updates the underlying label template (.lbl) with the new image.

Add Object on Page | Custom Label
This menu item lets you insert a custom label object on the fly into the active report. This type of label insertion process is not tied in any way to the Rule Tree Editor.

Select this menu item and then drag a box in the Report window. An Open dialog box appears so that you can insert a selected label template on the fly into the current page of the report.

Remove CAD Report Object Pan/Zoom/Rotate MOD
This menu item lets you remove just pan, zoom, and rotate modifications for the CadReportObject. Other modifications (such as section cuts, various label definitions, solid or wire displays and so forth) are not affected.

Select Labels
This menu item allows you to easily select multiple labels across different sections in your report.

When you select this item, PC-DMIS displays the Select Labels dialog box. This dialog box displays the labels in your report that are tied to a CadReportObject. Select any labels from this dialog box; when you click OK on the dialog box, PC-DMIS selects the corresponding labels in the report.

You can limit the labels that appear in the dialog box by feature type, dimension type, or all commands.

For more information, see "Changing the Report Window's Contents" in the "Reporting Measurement Results" chapter.

This menu item toggles the display of the selected CadReportObject by displaying the model as either a wireframe or a solid. This menu item only appears if you right-click on a CadReportObject in your report.

Modify Rules
This menu item displays a simplified version of the Rule Tree Editor dialog box. You can use the Disable or Enable options on this dialog box to turn rules on or off.

Show Previously Unused Labels
This menu item works with labels on a CadReportObject in a duplicated page.

If you turn off a set of labels on the CadReportObject on one page and then duplicate that page, you can use this menu item on the duplicated page to get it to show the labels not used on the original page.

Fix Label Positions
This menu item creates a position modification for each label so that the next time you open the report, PC-DMIS won't recalculate label positions.

GraphicsOptions | None
This menu item hides all labels on the CADReportObject.

GraphicsOptions | Labels
This menu item shows all labels on the CADReportObject.

Add Page (applies to Custom Reports only)
This menu item adds a new page to the end of your custom report.

Delete Page (applies to Custom Reports only)
This menu item deletes that page from your custom report. You must always have at least one page in your report.