Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS Core Help File > Reporting Measurement Results > About the Reporting and Form Editors > The Object Bar > Bitmap Object
Current Help File: PC-DMIS Core
The Image object allows you to insert a pre-created bitmap graphic into your template or form. When you click this icon and drag a box in the editor, a dialog box opens.
Bitmap Dialog
The OK button inserts the bitmap loaded into the dialog box into the form or template.
The Cancel button closes the dialog box without inserting any bitmap.
The Copy button copies a bitmap to the Clipboard that you have already loaded into this dialog box through the Load button.
The Paste button pastes a copied bitmap graphic from the Clipboard into the dialog box. After you paste a graphic you can select the RLE check box to compress the graphic when it's saved with the report.
The Load button loads a graphic image (bitmap or JPEG file) into the dialog box. After you load the graphic, you can select the Link check box to link the bitmap to the template or form by its directory path. This means if the graphic gets updated, it will appear in its updated form inside the template or form.
The Clear button clears the loaded bitmap out of the dialog box.
The Transparent list specifies one color within the bitmap to make transparent.
Along with the ability to resize the object and change other attributes, the following editable properties are included for bitmap objects:
This contains the file name for the bitmap.
Center, Left,
or Right is the alignment of the bitmap
within the rectangle.
Stretch expands or shrinks the graphic to fit the size of the box.
Size to Fit automatically expands the rectangle size to fit the size of the graphic.