Sharing Report Templates

You can easily share a report template with other users. When you save a report template, PC-DMIS automatically saves a copy of any associated label templates into the report template itself. This way, if you want to share a report template, you don't have to worry about sending all the associated label templates along with it. Even so, the report template will always check for the actual label template file in the directory first. If it finds the actual label template file, it will use that. If the actual label template file doesn't exist as expected, then the report template will use the copied version of the label template file that is stored with the report template itself.

1 - In this example, the report template calls two label templates, label A and label B.

2 - The label template files (files with a .lbl filename extension) are stored in the Reporting directory.

3 - When you save the report template, copies of the label templates are stored within the report template.

4 - When used, the Report template first looks for any label template files and uses those if found. If none is found, it then uses the copied label templates.