Step 7: Test CADONLYREF_ID.RTP in the Report Window

In this step you select the CADONLYREF_ID.RTP template and test it inside the Report window.

  1. Ensure that your measurement routine uses legacy dimensions.

  2. Execute your measurement routine.

  3. Display the Report Window by selecting View | Report Window.

  4. From the Reporting toolbar, click on the Template Selection Dialog icon . The Report Templates dialog box appears.

  5. Click the Add button.

  6. From the Open dialog box, select CADONLYREF_ID.RTP, and click Open. The report template is added into the Report Templates dialog box.

  7. From the Report Templates dialog box, select CADONLYREF_ID.RTP again, and click Open.

  8. PC-DMIS loads the report template. The Report window will contain a report of your measurement routine results using the newly created CADONLYREF_ID.RTP report template.

Notice that in-tolerance dimensions only display the feature name and that the background color is the dimension color and matches a color on the dimension color key at the bottom of the page. Out-of-tolerance dimensions use the LEGACY_DIMENSION_CAD.LBL label.

The following screen capture demonstrates what such a report might look like:

Sample Report Showing In-Tolerance Features (CIR1 and CIR2) and Out-of-Tolerance Features (CIR3 and CIR4)

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