To Front or Back

To Front or BackThe To Front or Back icon provides you with additional icons that allow you to place a selected object (or objects) in front or in back of other objects. This is helpful when you have multiple objects on top of each other, and you want certain objects to be visible. The available icons include the following:

Bring to Front Bring to Front - Moves the selected objects in front of all other objects so that it is shown on top.

 Send to Back Send to Back - Moves the selected objects behind all other objects so that it is shown beneath.

Notes on Drawing Levels

Moving objects in front of or behind other objects is subject to an internal drawing level used by the different objects. This means you can only bring objects in front of other objects of the same drawing level or in front of a higher drawing level. Here is the drawing order:

CADReportObject - Drawing level 5
This object is drawn behind all objects of a lower drawing level. It can be drawn in front of other level 5 objects.

AnalysisWindow - Drawing level 4
This object can be drawn in front of level 4 or 5 objects.

Leader Line - Drawing level 3
This object can be drawn in front of level 3, 4, or 5 objects.

All other reporting objects - Drawing level 2
These objects can be drawn in front of level 3, 4, or 5 objects.

You can move objects of the same level in front of or in back of each other, but you cannot, for example, bring a CADReportObject in front of a Label Object. This type of sorting is only used by PC-DMIS version 4.x and higher reporting templates or reports. Legacy (HyperView) reports do not use a sort method.