Using a Type Index to Display Specific Data

Type indexes let you pull in very specific data into your report. For example, if you had a cylinder feature with eight hits, you could use a type index to grab the second hit's measured X value. To use a type index, simply append a colon and a number to the expression to get that hit or that row of dimension data.

Type Indexes to Display Specific Data

To demonstrate how this works, if you typed:


PC-DMIS would not use a type index (the type index would default to 0) and PC-DMIS would display the measured X value of the feature's center point.

But, if you typed:


PC-DMIS would display the measured X value of the first hit.

If you typed:


PC-DMIS would retrieve the measured X value of the second hit.

Repeating Rows to Display all Data

Similar to type indexes, In the GridControlObject you can define a row as a "repeating row". With repeating rows, the character "N" evaluates to the current repeat index of the row being drawn. When you define a repeating row, you can also define a repeating row expression that, when evaluated, determines how many times the row repeats.

So, if you wanted to display all of the measured X values for all hits in a feature, you could define a single repeating row with the following expression:


You could then set the repeating row expression to "=N_HITS" to get the total number of hits. PC-DMIS would continue to repeat the row with subsequent hit data until the total number of hits was displayed.