Using the Table Format Command

The TABLE/FORMAT Edit window command lets you control a GridControlObject's column and row ordering and visibility on the fly from within your measurement routine. This means you don't have to use the Label Template Editor to create different variations of the same label template if you only want to reorder or hide certain rows or columns. Instead, you can simply insert this command into your measurement routine to determine how to display the GridControlObject in the label template.

For this command to work properly, you must set the value of the GridControlObject's TableFormat property to the exact same table format name defined in the Grid Format button of the Edit Rule dialog box.

Inserting the Command

To insert this command, select Insert | Report Command | Table Format. The Table Format Properties dialog box appears. This dialog box, like the dialog box used in the Rules Tree Editor, also controls the visibility and ordering of rows and columns for label templates using the GridControlObject. When you finish manipulating the rows and columns, click OK, and PC-DMIS inserts the TABLE/FORMAT command into the Edit window.

An inserted TABLE/FORMAT command takes precedence over any ordering you may have already defined with the Edit Rule dialog box's Grid Format button.

Related Topics:

About the Rule Tree Editor

Defining a Rule


Using the Table Format Properties Dialog Box