Zoom In or Out

These icons allow you to zoom in or out of your Hyper report and then restore the original view:

Zoom In Zoom In  - This zooms in on your report by 100 percent per click. You can click this icon at most five times to get a 500 percent zoom.

Zoom Out Zoom Out - This zooms out of your report by 100 percent per click if you're already zoomed in. If you haven't zoomed in at all, you will only be able to zoom out by 100 percent one time.

Zoom 1:1 Zoom 1:1 - This restores the size of your report to the original 1 to 1 zoom size.

No matter what you zoom to, PC-DMIS restores the original zoom whenever you activate a control that has an "activated" or "deactivated" mode (for example, double-clicking on the CadReportObject or GridControlObject). When you leave these controls and return to the editing environment, the zoom size goes back to what it was.