Step 2: Specify Optional Environment File

If you want PC-DMIS to use a specific installation of CATIA 5 installed on your system, you need to complete the following optional steps. If you don’t complete these steps, then the default installation of CATIA 5 is used. This is usually the latest CATIA 5 release that is installed on your system. In most cases, the default installation of CATIA 5 is sufficient.

To specify a non-default CATIA 5 installation that PC-DMIS uses, you need to specify the environment file in the PC-DMIS Settings Editor. The environment file contains the settings that are needed for CATIA 5 to run properly.

The default environment file is usually located here:


A complete list of all the environment files is usually located here:


To specify the environment file to use, follow these steps:

  1. On the Start menu, select All Programs | <version>, where <version> represents your version of PC-DMIS. Then double-click PC-DMIS <version> Settings Editor. The PC-DMIS Settings Editor starts.

  2. In the PC-DMIS Settings Editor, navigate to the Catia5 section, and select the EnvPath entry.

  3. In the Current value box, type the full path to the environment file.

    If you want to specify the CATIA.V5R12.B12.txt file that is located in a C:\Files directory, you would type: C:\Files\CATIA.V5R12.B12.txt

  4. Save your changes and close the PC-DMIS Settings Editor.