Step 2: Editing the Creo Section of the Settings Editor with Creo Information

In this step, you will modify the Creo section of the Settings Editor so that it contains an executable name entry.

If you cannot find the Creo section inside the Settings Editor, you may need to contact Customer Support to verify that you are licensed for this option or it is enabled in your LMS license or portlock. To contact Customer Support, follow this link:

  1. Access PC-DMIS's Settings Editor from the PC-DMIS programs group. From the Start menu, select All Programs | <Version>, where <Version> represents your version of PC-DMIS. Then double-click Settings Editor. The Settings Editor launches.

  2. Click the plus sign (+) next to the Creo section. The list expands, showing the options associated with this section.

  3. Click the ExecutableName entry.

  4. Change the values of this entry so that it points to the parametric.exe executable file that launches Creo.

The modified entry in the Creo section would look like this:

ExecutableName=f:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.0\M120\Parametric\bin\parametric.exe

  1. Click Save Setting, and then click OK to close the Settings Editor.

  2. Click the CommMsgExe entry.

  3. Change the value to so that it points to pro_comm_msg.exe executable file.

The modified entry in the Creo section would look like this:

CommMsgExe=f:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.0\M120\Common Files\x86e_win64\obj\pro_comm_msg.exe

  1. Click Save.