Troubleshooting NX DCI Errors

First , try to run PC-DMIS with the DebugDCI entry set to True. This creates a debug file named UG_DCI.txt in the directory that contains the PC-DMIS application's executable file.

To set this entry, see "Using the DebugDCI Entry" in the PC-DMIS Settings Editor documentation.


When you import an NX part file, you get this error message: "ERROR - Couldn't find the NX execution file!"

Possible Causes

If you get an error message that says "ERROR - unable to find the UG x64 execution files!" then the version of PC-DMIS you're running is 64-bit, but PC-DMIS is trying to call the 32-bit version of the NX DCI. To fix this, install the 64-bit version of the NX DCI software.