Exposure and Gray Sum Settings by Feature and Material

Based on the feature type and the part material type, adjust the following values according to the table below:

Exposure and Gray Sum Settings

Feature Based




Min Gray Sum

Max Gray Sum

Sphere Tungsten Calibration Sphere 120 10 300
Ceramic 80 10 300
Gap/Flush Sheet Metal 150 30 300
White 100 30 300
Blue 120 30 300
Black 450 10 300
Circle Sheet Metal 100 50 300
White 100 50 300
Blue 120 50 300
Black 450 30 300
Aluminum 80 50 300
Slot Sheet Metal 100 50 300
White 100 50 300
Blue 120 50 300
Black 450 30 300
Aluminum 80 50 300
Edge Point Sheet Metal 100 50 300
White 100 50 300
Blue 120 50 300
Black 450 30 300
Aluminum 80 50 300
Plane Sheet Metal 100 30 300
White 100 30 300
Blue 120 30 300
Black 450 10 300
Aluminum 80 30 300
Surface Point Sheet Metal 100 30 300
White 100 30 300
Blue 120 30 300
Black 450 10 300
Aluminum 80 30 300