Filter Type: Stripe

This type is only available for HP-L sensors.

The Stripe Filter list lets you filter scan lines along the scanning direction. You can select a number from a scale of 1 to 10 (1 represents minimum filtering while 10 represents maximum filtering). If disabled, PC-DMIS acquires the complete data set without any filtering.

Example of Stripe Filtering Disabled

Example of Stripe Filtering of 5


Starting with PC-DMIS 2019 R2, PC-DMIS no longer supports the Perceptron laser sensor. While you may still be able to install PC-DMIS 2019 R2 and later, PC-DMIS displays an error if you attempt to run measurement routines that use the Perceptron scanner. For additional information, please contact Technical Support.

Point Reduction Filter - This check box determines whether or not PC-DMIS filters points along the scan line. If marked, you can select the desired percentage of total points to filter. If cleared, PC-DMIS acquires the complete data set without any filtering.

Example of Point Filtering Disabled

Example of Point Filtering of 50%