HxGN Robotic Automation Toolbar

HxGN Robotic Automation toolbar

The HxGN Robotic Automation toolbar provides all the options necessary to connect to and communicate with a system running the HxGN Robotic Automation application. You can access the toolbar from the View | Toolbars | HxGN Robotic Automation menu.

The HxGN Robotic Automation toolbar is only available if you have the ROY-AUTOMATE license enabled.

The following options are available from this toolbar:

Export to HxGN Robotic Automation - Click this button to begin the export of PC-DMIS measurement routines and inspection plans to HxGN Robotic Automation. For details on the PC-DMIS to HxGN Robotic Automation workflow, see the "PC-DMIS Workflow Using HxGN Robotic Automation" topic in this documentation.

TCP/IP Pointcloud Server receive data - This button places PC-DMIS in a "watch" state, where it is ready to receive a pointcloud file from a client application. The client application must initiate sending the pointcloud data. This button only appears when you run PC-DMIS in Offline mode.