Measured Mesh Thickness Colormap

To measure a Mesh Thickness Colormap:

  1. Click the Thickness Colormap a Mesh button () from the Mesh toolbar (View | Toolbars | Mesh) or click the menu option (Insert | Mesh | Thickness Colormap) to open the Mesh Operator dialog box for the Mesh Thickness Colormap operator.

  1. Select a Mesh data object from the list.

  2. From the Method list, select the measurement method type Ray based or Sphere. For details on these measurement methods, see "Thickness Colormap Method".

  3. Type the value for Max Thickness. The software does not evaluate any data value greater than the Max Thickness value.

  4. Type a Max Angle value. The software returns the relevant points whose estimated normals are within the specified angle of the CAD normals.

  5. To create a thickness colormap of a Mesh data object in comparison to a CAD model, select the Compare to CAD check box. For details, see the "Compare to CAD Mesh Thickness Colormap" topic in this documentation.

  6. If you want to determine the Mesh Thickness Colormap on specific CAD surfaces, in the CAD Control area of the dialog box, mark the Select check box. You can then click the surfaces you want to perform the Mesh Thickness Colormap on.

  7. Click Apply to perform the analysis necessary to create the Mesh Thickness Colormap operator.

  8. Create annotations. For details on how to create annotation points for the Mesh Thickness Colormap operator, see "Thickness Colormap Annotations".

  9. Click Create to create the command in the Edit window.

Example of a thickness colormap using a mesh data object

With the above example, PC-DMIS creates this command in the Edit window:


Related topics:

Show the Thickness Colormap in the Report

Thickness Colormap Annotations

Show Annotation Opposing Points


Mesh Thickness Colormap

Compare to CAD Mesh Thickness Colormap

Mesh Thickness Colormap Method