Creating a DOWNL.OAD File

From the AVAIL Software Package

  1. Boot the computer under XENIX or UNIX.

  2. Log on as "root", and type "hobbit" as the password.

  3. Log in and change the directory to /usr/avail/trans/report:

cd /usr/avail/trans/report

  1. Copy the AVAIL download file to the PC-DMIS subdirectory on the DOS partition (that is, PCDMISW):

doscp sysparam.dat c:/pcdmisw

  1. Issue a shutdown or reboot command to UNIX:

shutdown -y -g0



Steps 7, 8, and 9 are not required under normal circumstances. These steps should only be taken if you need to change the download file from the original setup in AVAIL.

  1. Reboot the computer.

  2. Change the directory to where PC-DMIS is installed (for example, PCDMISW).


  1. Run the SYSGEN program:


  1. If required, modify the parameters; disable the PH9 if none exists. To save and exit, press S.

  2. Run the conversion program:


From the MM4 Software Package

  1. Boot the computer under XENIX or UNIX.

  2. Log on as "root" and type "hobbit" as the password.

  3. Log on and change the directory to /u/mm4/sys_data/files:

cd /u/mm4/sys_data/files

  1. Copy the MM4 download file to the PC-DMIS subdirectory on the DOS partition (for example, PCDMISW):

doscp syspar.bin c:/pcdmisw

  1. Issue a shutdown or reboot command to UNIX:

shutdown -y -g0



  1. Change the directory to where PC-DMIS is installed (for example, PCDMISW).


  1. Rename syspar.bin to sysparam.dat.


Steps 8 and 9 are not required under normal circumstances. These steps should only be taken if you need to change the download file from the original setup in MM4.

  1. Run the SYSGEN program.


  1. If required, modify the parameters; disable the PH9 if none exists. To save and exit, press S.

  2. Run the conversion program:


From the MM3 Software Package

  1. Boot the computer under DOS.

  2. Change the directory to \MM3\SERVO.


  1. Copy the MM3 download file to the PC-DMIS subdirectory (for example, PCDMISW).

copy sysparam.dat \pcdmisw

  1. Change the directory to where PC-DMIS is installed (for example, PCDMISW).


Steps 5 and 6 are not required under normal circumstances. These steps should only be taken if you need to change the download file from the original set up in MM3.

  1. Run the SYSGEN program:


  1. If required, modify the parameters; disable the PH9 if none exists. To save and exit, press S.

  2. Run the conversion program.
